Regarding Kayne Crisons column that appeared in the Arizona City News, a Grand Valley Newspaper:

Locals learn the dangers of vaccinations

The article should have been entitled:

"Chiropractor spreads fear and misinformation"

Brad Burke, a chiropractor who runs a chiropractic misinformation mill in Arizona City failed the intelligence test hands down. Kayne Crison, your editor, obviously doesn't know fact from fiction. The article called "Locals learn the dangers of vaccinations" should have been startled at the information that a licensed health professional gave them. It is really scary that a so-called journalist fell for this. There was so much propaganda in the article that all I can say is I pity your community and your newspaper if they allow this type of junk to be printed.

In Ontario, Canada any chiropractor who did what Brad Burke did could lose his license and face a $25,000 fine.

Standards of Practice - Ontario

Chiropractors are not trained in immunology or pediatric illnesses. They DO NOT care for children who have been paralyzed by polio, they DO NOT prevent disease or alleviate illness in infants or children. Dr. Burke's presentation is a danger to public health, and your community health department has to take action now. He should be reported to the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

Patrice A. Pritzl, Executive Director State Board of Chiropractic Examiners Allen Imig, Deputy Director 5060 North 19th Avenue, Suite 416 Phoenix, AZ 85015 Phone: 602-864-5088 Fax: 602.864.5099 email: web: For additional information about anti-vaccine chiropractors I think your readers should be do a Google search on chiropractic anti-vax: Anyone in your community who needs to talk to someone who will give them the correct information about vaccines should contact their licensed medical doctor or osteopath, and their public health department. Here is a link to the State of Arizona requirements: Search for measles: Contact your local public health department immediately to complain: Pinal County Division of Public Health P.O. Box 2945 500 S. Central Florence, AZ 85232 Front Desk: 520-866-7301 Fax: 520-866-7358 Toll Free: 1-800-231-8499 E-mail: Anyone who follows the bizarre and misguided beliefs of any anti-vaccine chiropractor and who experiences a serious infectious disease should contact a malpractice lawyer immediately. The chances that the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners would actually listen to complaints are slim to none. Your only redress may be to use legal means to demand that these type of practitioners are put under the microscope by the legal profession. They are dangerous, and the State of Arizona needs to be notified of your problems. Chiropractos are not real doctors, they are not qualified to advise on immunizations and if they do, they should be held responsible for their actions. It's no different when a real doctor makes a mistake. The only problem is this, anti-vax chiropractors are for the most part just trying to build their own practices. Some of them have joined practice-building groups to help them do just that. Some of these groups base their programs heavily on anti-vaccine misinformation and sell videos, CDs and brochures to scare the hell out chiropractic patients. So, Brad Burke is not just an isolated practitioner, there are thousands of them across North America. Unless the boards of chiropractic examiners do something to stop this terrible plague, our children are at risk. We don't want to see the return of measles, polio, diptheria, or other preventable diseases. If chiropractors continue along this path, we and our children are at risk.

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