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ChiroWatch blocks

Miracles - Philosophy - Religion or magic cures?

  • Chiropractor works miracle cancer cures in Mexico - see article written by Dan Manning who organized exciting web page on Alternative Cancer treatments. If you decide to go to AMI in La Mesa, Mexico, they will send you a list things you need to bring with you (besides that big fat important $12,000 Certified Check up front!).
    • "One of the Dr.'s (Johnson) is a chiropractor and he uses what is called a Blood Crystalization Diagnostic Aid. Once a week a needle prick of blood makes 4 spots on a slide which when dried is examined under their X2000 Microscope and this gives certain measurements showing condition of various functions in the body such as allergies, deficiencies,glandular stress and overall toxicity and uses as measures, Normal,. Moderate,and High. Many of my indicators improved, many remained the same High or Moderate while I was there. Mainly my liver toxicity, and prostate stress. Maybe after my next 2 months visit? He also uses Applied Kinesthetics to get "readings" from the body. This is where you hold your arm out and try to resist his pressure. I can't actually see any difference, but he says he can. ??????" (Unfortunately for the clinic, Dan Manning passed away on October 26, 1998.)
  • Ward Chiropractic Clinic - The Chiroman treats Muscular Dystrophy - They have also made discoveries that decrease the disease's devastating mental and emotional effects.
  • INNATE CHIROPRACTIC Healing Arts Center - Utilizing Network Spinal Analysis - a gentle, safe, chiropractic technique. Dr. St. Cyr has dozens of testimonials for her clinic like this one: Robert B. - Age 9 - "Coming to Dr. Jackie is helping me get rid of fears. I am not afraid of the baseball anymore.I am not as afraid as I was of slides. Thank you Dr. Jackie for the work." (Amen, Amen already. I'm a true believer, now what about those dolphins on your home page?)
  • Calorad - one of the biggest scams hawked by chiropractors. It will drain your pocket before it takes a single ounce of fat from your butt. This is from one of their own web sites. Note that the main author of this site is not a chiropractor, but is an exercise physiologist and nutrition student. The chiropractic profession has failed to control outrageous claims for most things that these people do, outside of lower back pain treatment. I guess that by having this on one of their own web sites, it will cleanse their souls.
  • You too can heal psoriasis the chiropractic Edgar Cayce way - Testimonials and pictures from their files.
  • Phil Harrington - The Conservative Catholic Chiropractor - Formerly an evangelical voice for Calorad, now justs goes to the K of C for food of a different kind
  • Medical Ethics in the Third Millennium -- Chiropractic at the World Congress of Catholic MDs by Karen Shields-Wright, MS, DC, Pres., Association for Catholic Chiropractors

    The topics ranged from theological and ethical issues of health care to the scientific research in the field of bioethics relating to birth control, abortion, natural family planning, and compassionate care and euthanasia.

    (I don't see any discussion of chiropractic science, fraudulent misrepresentation, ambulance chasing, fee splitting, or ripping off the public with useless tests and remedies in this ethical discussion.)
  • Canadian Quackerywatch